lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

"Eso que afuera llaman amistad", un ensayo de Gustavo Esteva y Arturo Guerrero

Publicado con el título: “Guelaguetza and Tu Chha'ia: a zapotec perspective of what others call friendship”, en:

The Palgrave International Handbook of Peace Studies A Cultural Perspective, Edited by Wolfgang Dietrich, et. al. UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

"In this ground-breaking new volume, the social function of 'peace' is explored through the prism of cultural pluralism. Prominent scholars and thinkers from more than 30 different cultures reflect on the notion of peace, and the diversity of their perspectives highlights the different cultural perceptions surrounding the meaning and scope of peace. 

What we understand as 'peace' is dependent on the context within which it is used. Some cultures have a multitude of notions that translate into English simply as peace, whereas an equivalent to peace in the European sense does not even exist in others.
This volume shows that the concept of world peace can only be realised as a plural of 'many peaces'; an understanding of peace cannot be reached without the explicit acceptance of the many different notions of peace. In these turbulent times, there is an urgent need to explore new ways of reflecting on and facilitating the promotion of peace. Although the dominant paradigm is still the dogmatic application of a universal notion of a single peace, this approach is shown to be increasingly ineffectual and inappropriate." (De la contraportada)

Ceremonia de premiación 8a Bienal Internacional de Radio 2010

Ceremonia de premiación 8a Bienal Internacional de Radio 2010 by Yelato Molloy

La Cápsula "Sangrado durante el embarazo", presentada en mazateco, ombiayiuds, y español, de la serie "Maternidad Segura" producida en el marco de la Iniciativa UNICEF en Oaxaca y el CIESAS-Pacífico Sur, obtuvo el premio al 3er Lugar en la categoría de "Radio Indigenista" en esa edición del certamen.